climate action at an individual level

Day-to-day individual actions

Drawdown Ecochallenge
a platform listing out actions which thousands of people follow, with the view fo the combined impact of collective behaviours.

Count Us In
outlines key actions you can take such as greening your money, cutting food waste, etc. based on research.
Ensure that your money doesn't harm the planet and works to regenerate it, switch to ethical banks.

Other useful resources for individual climate action

Talking about climate change:

Green your money

Understanding and managing eco-anxiety

  • A guide to eco-anxiety book by Anouchka Grose: The book explores the health impact of experiencing eco-anxiety, grief and trauma, and signposts recommended treatments and therapies.

Art and climate change

Advocacy groups and community-led action

  • Extinction Rebellion

  • EarthJustice

  • Friends of the Earth


  • WWF

Do you have an idea, resource, or example to share?