Climate action and resources by sectors
Energy production, use and energy efficiency
Cities, local government and local authorities
Ashden's Climate Actions Co-Benefits toolkit outlines resources and insights to facilitate conversations and around the co-benefits of climate action, "multi-solving" climate and social issues, and building related actions programmes.
Energy systems
International Energy Association - Net zero by 2050 Action plan report
Smart energy systems and Flexibility Plan by UK government (2021)
Housing and retrofitting for energy efficiency
Energy Systems Catapult's LAEP (Local Energy Energy Planning) framework and tools
Tech, digital design and infrastructure
Gerry McGovern has been researching the environmental impact of digital, including energy usage, the impact of digital device's production and waste
Climate Action Tech – an internal community of people making tech climate-conscious and using technology to tackle climate issues
The future of sustainable digital infrastructure – articles by Leaders for Climate action
Design Council's Beyond Net Zero report (2021) outlining how design disciplines should take more of a systemic design approach and role to enable people and planet to thrive together.
Julie's bicycle – a nonprofit mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate crisis
To be added:
Transport and mobility
Cities, neighbourhoods and local authorities